San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Other Documents Available

Except as noted with an asterisk (*), the following documents are available at 28 libraries and offices in the project area.

 — Comment letters received on the Modified Route D Alternative from mid-June to October 2007

 — Comment letters received in response to the May 16, 2007 Notice on the Modified Route D Alternative*

 — CPUC/BLM Notice Regarding an Additional EIR/EIS Alternative to the Proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project (May 16, 2007)

 — Scoping Report, Part 2 (April 2, 2007)

 — Notice Regarding Conclusions on EIR/EIS Alternatives to the Proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project (March 16, 2007)

Figure 1. Imperial Valley Link Alternatives
Figure 2. Anza-Borrego Link Alternatives
Figure 3. Central Link Alternatives
Figure 4. Inland Valley Link Alternatives
Figure 5. Coastal Link Alternatives Retained
Figure 6. Coastal Link Alternatives Eliminated
Figure 7. Southwest Powerlink Alternatives

 — Notice of Second Round of Scoping Meetings on Alternatives to the Proposed Sunrise Powerlink Project (January 22, 2007)

Figure 1. Sunrise Powerlink Project Overview
Figure 2. Imperial Valley Link Alternatives
Figure 3. Anza-Borrego Link Alternatives
Figure 4. Central Link Alternatives
Figure 5. Inland Valley Link Alternatives
Figure 6. Coastal Link Alternatives Retained
Figure 7. Coastal Link Alternatives Eliminated
Figure 8. Southwest Powerlink Alternatives
Figure 9. Non-Wires Alternatives
Figure 10. System Alternatives

 — Scoping Report, Part 1 (November 29, 2006)

 — Notice of Preparation (NOP) (September 15, 2006)

Figure 1. Proposed Project Overview
Figure 2. Imperial Valley Link
Figure 3. Anza-Borrego Link
Figure 4A. Central Link
Figure 4B. Proposed Central East Substation
Figure 5A. Inland Valley Link
Figure 5B. Detail of Ramona Area
Figure 6A. Coastal Link
Figure 6B. Rancho Peñasquitos Detail
Figure 7. SDG&E Alternatives Fully Evaluated and Carried Forward in PEA
Figure 8. SDG&E Alternatives Considered and Eliminated

 — Notice of Intent (August 31, 2006)

 — SDG&E's Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment (August 4, 2006).


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