Construction Status and Mitigation Monitoring
Construction Status
Construction of the first phase of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project began on September 16, 2019. This initial phase consists of the construction of 5,300 linear feet of Treated Water pipeline (also known as Transmission Main) for conveyance of desalinated water, in the City of Seaside. All work would be conducted within paved roadways using conventional open-trench technology.
Future phases will include additional Transmission Main construction in the City of Marina and on U.S. Army lands; construction of the Desalination Plant in unincorporated Monterey County; and the Source Water Intake in Marina. Construction of the entire MPWSP is scheduled to occur in 2021.
Mitigation Monitoring Compliance, and Reporting Plan (MMCRP)
The MMCRP is available here.
Mitigation Compliance Plans and Other Documents
CalAm has completed final engineering and the preparation of compliance plans and additional documents required for construction. The plans describe specific actions to be taken by CalAm and its contractors to meet requirements of mitigation measures contained in the MMCRP. Final plans approved to date are available here. Additional plans will be posted as they become final.
Notices to Proceed
Notices to Proceed (NTPs) were reviewed and issued by the CPUC, by MPWSP phase, as requested by CalAm. Issuance of NTPs was contingent upon CalAm’s compliance with pre-construction requirements as specified by the approved mitigation measures. A summary of the NTPs issued by the CPUC is provided below.
Weekly Monitoring Reports
CPUC Environmental Monitors are in the field to verify the proper implementation of MPWSP mitigation measures and compliance plan requirements during construction. Monitoring reports documenting construction and compliance activities are available here.