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PG&E Land Transfers
Section 2-X Mineral Resources
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This section characterizes the mineral resource setting and regulatory framework applicable to mineral resources for properties involved with the proposed Burney Falls, Ahjumawi Lava Beds State Park, and McArthur Swamp Land Transfers. This section also assesses potentially foreseeable impacts to mineral resources as a result of the property transfers.

The Mineral Land Classification Study (MLCS)

The Mineral Land Classification Study (MLCS) identifies the location of the significant mineral resource areas in Shasta County. The study is based on the present locations of the existing commercial mining operations and the adjacent similar geologic formations. The study also compiled existing geologic information into a new geologic map of the County. The study was limited to the five industrial minerals are presently extracted commercially in Shasta County (MLCS, 1997). Because of geologic diversity of Shasta County, especially the complexity of the metallic minerals area of the Klamath Mountains, and the large number of minerals that have been historically extracted, it was beyond the resources of the Division of Mines and Geology to include in the MLCS the metallic minerals or other minerals that are not presently being commercially extracted.

It is the legislative intent of the MLCS that it be used to develop mineral resource conservation policies for the County. The primary land use policy document is the General Plan. It is important to understand that even with the information in the Mineral Land Classification study it is still not possible to comprehensively identify and protect all potential commercially viable mineral resources in Shasta County. Therefore, the policies of the General Plan must be flexible and allow for new areas to be designated as more information becomes available as mining companies continue to explore and develop the mineral resources (Shasta County, 1996).


State Regulatory Oversight

The primary state law concerning conservation and development of mineral resources is the California Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) of 1975, as amended. SMARA is found in the California Public Resources Code (PRC), Division 2, Chapter 9, Sections 2710, et. seq. SMARA was enacted in 1975 to limit new development in areas with significant mineral deposits. SMARA calls for the state geologist to classify the lands within California based on mineral resource availability. In addition, the California Health and Safety Code requires the covering, filling, or fencing of abandoned shafts, pits and excavations (Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 24400-03.). Mining may also be regulated by local government, which has the authority to prohibit mining pursuant to its general plan and local zoning laws.

The Division of Oil and Gas in the Department of Conservation (Cal. Pub regulates oil operations in California. Res. Code § 3000 et seq).

County Regulatory Oversight

General Plan Policies

The following mineral resource policy pertains to mineral resource extraction on agriculturally designated lands:

Policy MR-m

Mining may be permitted in areas of agricultural soils, provided that a plan is submitted by a qualified professional including data and analysis to show that the soil shall be replaced in such a way as to maintain the same or better agricultural qualities and class as existed prior to mining disturbance. Mining in A-cg designated areas is subject to policy AG-g (Shasta County, 1996).

Shasta County Zoning

The principle zoning designation, for preserve valuable mineral resource in Shasta County, is the Mineral Resource District (MR). As discussed in the previous land use section, none of the properties involved with the land transfer are designated under the MR General Plan designation or MR zoning district.

The purpose of the MR district is to protect long-term mining operations (i.e. mines with 30 years or more of expected operation). This district is consistent with the MR General Plan designation. This district may also be applied to other areas where there are mineral deposits that can be mined commercially, provided there are no conflicts with other General Plan policies (Shasta County, 1996).


  1. As determined in Section IX, Land Use, the State Geologist as MRZ-2 currently classifies none of the transfer properties. Therefore, there would be no impact related to this state classification.

  2. The proposed land transfer does not involve the extraction of any mineral resources. Further, the project would not effect any significant locally important mineral resources delineated by the Shasta County General Plan. As a result, no impact is expected.


CDMG, 1974. Mines and Mineral Resources, Shasta County, California.
County Report 6. California Division of Mines and Geology.
California Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), 1975. California
Public Resources Code (PRC), Division 2, Chapter 9, Sections 2710, et. seq.

California Health & Safety Code §§ 24400-03.

Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 3000 et seq. California Public Resources
Code § 3000 et seq.
Shasta County, 1996. Shasta County General Plan, Resource Element,
Mineral Resources
MLCS, 1997. Mineral Land Classification of Alluvial Sand and Gravel,
Crushed Stone, Volcanic Cinders, Limestone, and Diatomite Within Shasta County, California. By D. Dupras, DMG OFR-97-03.

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