Original Version
Rule 54.10-F
54.10-F. Climbing Space
(1) A climbing space shall be maintained through the level of conductors supported in bare neutral multiconductor cable construction and for a vertical distance of not less than 4 feet above and below such cable. The position of the climbing .space through the levels of conductors in such cable construction shall be related to climbing space for conductor levels above and below the cable in accordance with Rules 54.7-A and 93. The depth of the climbing space shall be measured from the center line of the pole.
(2) The dimensions of the climbing space shall be 30 inches square, and shall be provided on one side of the pole with the extremities of such width equidistant from the center line of pole. On poles on which transformers are pole bolted in line with primary conductors, a 30inch square climbing space shall be provided.
(3) On poles with the messenger dead-ended and on corner poles, a 30-inch climbing space shall be provided in one quadrant or on one side of the pole. Suitably protected vertical runs or risers and ground wires attached to the surface of poles, and guys, are allowed in climbing spaces provided that no more than one guy or one vertical riser, run or ground wire are installed in any 4-foot vertical section of climbing space. The terminals or terminal fittings of risers or runs shall not be installed within climbing spaces.
Strikeout and Underline Version
Rule 54.10-F
54.10-F. Climbing Space
(1) A climbing space shall be maintained through the level of conductors supported in bare neutral multiconductor cable construction and for a vertical distance of not less than 4 feet above and below such cable. The position of the climbing .space through the levels of conductors in such cable construction shall be related to climbing space for conductor levels above and below the cable in accordance with Rules 54.7-A and 93. The depth of the climbing space shall be measured from the center line of the pole.
(2) The dimensions of the climbing space shall be 30 inches square, and shall be provided on one side of the pole with the extremities of such width equidistant from the center line of pole. On poles on which transformers or similar apparatus are pole bolted in line with primary conductors, a 30inch square climbing space shall be provided in one quadrant or on one side of the pole.
On poles with the messenger dead-ended
and on corner poles, a 30-inch climbing space shall be provided in one quadrant
or on one side of the pole. Suitably protected vertical runs or risers and
ground wires attached to the surface of poles, and guys, are allowed in
climbing spaces provided that no more than one guy two guys (provided
they are separated at the pole by a vertical distance of not more than 18
inches) or one vertical riser, run or ground wire are installed in any
4-foot vertical section of climbing space. The terminals or terminal fittings
of risers or runs shall not be installed within climbing spaces.
Final Version
Rule 54.10-F
54.10-F. Climbing Space
(1) A climbing space shall be maintained through the level of conductors supported in bare neutral multiconductor cable construction and for a vertical distance of not less than 4 feet above and below such cable. The position of the climbing space through the levels of conductors in such cable construction shall be related to climbing space for conductor levels above and below the cable in accordance with Rules 54.7-A and 93. The depth of the climbing space shall be measured from the center line of the pole.
(2) The dimensions of the climbing space shall be 30 inches square, and shall be provided on one side of the pole with the extremities of such width equidistant from the center line of pole. On poles on which transformers or similar apparatus are pole bolted in line with primary conductors, a 30inch square climbing space shall be provided in one quadrant or on one side of the pole.
(3) On poles with the messenger dead-ended and on corner poles, a 30-inch climbing space shall be provided in one quadrant or on one side of the pole. Suitably protected vertical runs or risers and ground wires attached to the surface of poles, and guys, are allowed in climbing spaces provided that no more than two guys (provided they are separated at the pole by a vertical distance of not more than 18 inches) or one vertical riser, run or ground wire are installed in any 4-foot vertical section of climbing space. The terminals or terminal fittings of risers or runs shall not be installed within climbing spaces.