ia.cpuc.ca.gov - /environment/info/aspen/sunrise/otherdocs/

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12/29/2009 12:35 PM 2099269 401 Application.pdf
1/12/2010 7:10 PM 2064073 404 Application.pdf
1/12/2010 7:10 PM 1924430 404 PCN Form.pdf
1/10/2011 3:10 AM 2659019 404_Nationwide_Permit_Auth_010711.pdf
5/14/2013 5:26 PM 13006133 404_Nationwide_Permit_Auth_070811.pdf
5/14/2013 5:26 PM 5616324 404_Permit_20110107.pdf
5/14/2013 5:26 PM 13006133 404_Permit_Auth_Ltr_20110708.pdf
12/19/2016 2:24 PM <dir> Agr
12/19/2016 2:24 PM <dir> AQ
6/3/2010 10:38 AM 1371662 AQ Mitigation Program 060909.pdf
1/10/2011 4:44 PM 67035 Arroyo_Toad_Relocation_Plan_110410.pdf
1/10/2011 4:45 PM 868198 Bighorn_Sheep_Monitoring_Plan_082310.pdf
12/19/2016 2:24 PM <dir> Bio
12/2/2009 7:53 PM 1158710 CDFG Notification of LSAA.pdf
5/14/2013 5:26 PM 763226 Clean Water Act 401_Cert_11-9-10.pdf
5/14/2013 5:26 PM 755429 Clean Water Act 401_sunrise_amendment_10-17-11.pdf
6/3/2010 1:49 PM 137368 Construction Emission Monitoring Plan.pdf
2/26/2010 12:44 PM 110507 Construction Notification Plan.pdf
9/22/2010 1:58 PM 520600 Construction_Fire_Prevention_Plan_120109.pdf
12/19/2016 2:24 PM <dir> CultPaleo
11/18/2010 4:43 PM 766986 CWA_Sec_401_Certification.pdf
12/19/2016 2:24 PM <dir> DCP
9/22/2010 1:55 PM 178073 Desert_Pavement_Protection_Plan_070110.pdf
5/24/2013 7:37 PM 766852 Dust Control Plan REV 091112 AQ-1a, APMs AQ-AMP-1, 2, 3.pdf
12/19/2016 2:25 PM <dir> Eng
12/4/2009 1:47 PM 16708340 ESA_Addendum_3_120309.pdf
6/18/2010 10:01 AM 9331479 Final Paleontological Monitoring Treatment Plan 061710.pdf
12/19/2016 2:25 PM <dir> Fire
6/7/2010 12:35 PM 137868 Fire Mitigation Utilization Plan 060110.pdf
5/24/2013 6:59 PM 161195 Fire Plan 011311.pdf
12/19/2016 2:25 PM <dir> FMR
12/19/2016 2:25 PM <dir> Geo
1/10/2011 4:46 PM 1567348 Habitat_Acqsn_Habitat_Mgmt_Plan_092110.pdf
4/5/2010 9:22 PM 181247 Hazard Communication Plan 3-21-10.pdf
5/14/2013 10:42 AM 4515757 HMMP_Final_Chocolate_Canyon_May_2011.pdf
5/14/2013 10:42 AM 3907441 HMMP_Final_Desert_Cahuilla_May_2011.pdf
3/20/2015 1:53 PM 24661574 HMMP_Final_Lightner_May_2011.pdf
5/14/2013 10:42 AM 7760946 HMMP_Final_Long_Potrero_May_2011.pdf
5/14/2013 10:43 AM 7638376 HMMP_Final_Suckle_May_2011.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> hpmp
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> Hydro
8/5/2010 3:23 PM 230860 Link 4 UG Scour Protection MM H-8a 022210.pdf
8/5/2010 3:22 PM 177027 Link 4 UG Scour Protection MM H-8a 041610.pdf
6/11/2010 7:10 AM 625909 Link 4 UG Scour Protection MM H-8a 061010.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> LU
2/1/2012 6:41 PM 182734 MM B-10a Implementation Update 012512.pdf
12/12/2013 2:29 PM 658077 Nesting_Bird_Mgmt+Monitoring_Plan_011312.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> Permits
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> PHS
10/21/2010 7:04 PM 9561291 Powered Haulage Impact Assesment Memo sm.pdf
11/8/2010 3:55 AM 5858032 Rare_and_Invasive_Weed_Report_Rough_Acres_110310.pdf
1/10/2011 4:31 PM 52807 Raven_Control_Plan_Oct2010.pdf
11/18/2010 4:41 PM 5355164 Reinitiated_Biological_Opinion_111010.pdf
5/14/2013 10:43 AM 2106906 Restoration_Plan_Sensitive_Vegetation_20110315.pdf
10/12/2010 4:33 PM 1854088 Revise_Project_Elements_to_Minimize_Land_Use_Conflicts.pdf
1/12/2010 6:50 PM 1175494 Revised-Updated Prelim JD Report_072309.pdf
3/26/2010 11:14 AM 154900 Sampling and Testing Plan STP.032410.F.pdf
10/11/2010 4:16 PM 75356241 Scour_Analysis_071210.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> source
8/4/2009 7:53 AM 14738908 Subsurface_Utility_Report_1.pdf
8/4/2009 7:52 AM 5210487 Subsurface_Utility_Report_5.pdf
5/2/2011 5:09 PM 1481353 Suncrest_Substation_Constr_Lighting_Mitigation_Plan_101910.pdf
5/4/2011 5:08 PM 2879090 Suncrest_Substation_Lighting_Mitigation_Plan_102610.pdf
5/24/2013 7:11 PM 9960139 Suncrest_Substation_Screening_Plan_052512.pdf
5/24/2013 7:15 PM 6258978 Suncrest_Substation_Surface_Treatment_Plan_061312.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> swppp
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> Traffic
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> Vis
5/14/2013 10:36 AM 42364189 Weed_Control_Plan_122310.pdf
12/19/2016 2:26 PM <dir> WR