- To view the complete DEIR/EIS without appendicies, click here [pdf 49.1mb].
- To view the Appendices for the DEIR/EIS, click here [pdf 127mb].
Cover [pdf], Dear Reviewer Letter [pdf], Table of Content [pdf], and List of Acronyms [pdf]
Executive Summary [pdf]
1. Introduction and Background [pdf]
2. Water Demand, Supplies, and Water Rights [pdf]
3. Description of the Proposed Project [pdf 6.18mb]
4. Environmental Setting (Affected Environment), Impacts, and Mitigation Measures
4.1 Overview [pdf]
4.2 Geology, Soils, and Seismicity [pdf 3.23mb]
4.3 Surface Water Hydrology and Water Quality [pdf 3.83mb]
4.4 Groundwater Resources [pdf 6.01mb]
4.5 Marine Resources [pdf1.49mb]
4.6 Terrestrial Biological Resources [pdf 9.01mb]
4.7 Hazards and Hazardous Materials [pdf]
4.8 Land Use, Land Use Planning, and Recreation [pdf1.37]
4.9 Traffic and Transportation [pdf]
4.10 Air Quality [pdf]
4.11 Greenhouse Gas Emissions [pdf]
4.12 Noise and Vibration [pdf 1.13mb]
4.13 Public Services and Utilities [pdf]
4.14 Aesthetic Resources [pdf 1.39]
4.15 Cultural and Paleontological Resources [pdf 1.14]
4.16 Agriculture and Forestry Resources [pdf]
4.17 Mineral Resources [pdf]
4.18 Energy Conservation [pdf]
4.19 Population and Housing [pdf]
4.20 Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice [pdf]
5. Alternatives Screening and Analysis
5.1 Introduction and Overview [pdf 1.12mb]
5.2 Alternatives Not Evaluated in Detail [pdf 1.12mb]
5.3 Alternatives Development, Screening and Evaluation Process [pdf 1.12mb]
5.4 Description of Alternatives Evaluated in Detail [pdf 1.93mb]
5.5 Alternatives Impact Analysis [pdf 4.25mb]
5.6 Environmentally Superior Alternative/Preferred Alternative [pdf]
6. Other Considerations [pdf]
7. Report Preparation [pdf]
8. Index [pdf]
A. NOP and NOP Scoping Report [pdf]
A1. Draft EIR/EIS Distribution List [pdf]
B1. MPWSP Plant Sizing Data: Various Five- and Ten-Year Normal, Dry, and Maximum Month Demand Scenarios [pdf]
B2. State Water Board Final Analysis of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project [pdf 16.1mb]
C1. Coastal Water Elevations and Sea Level Rise Scenarios [pdf 7.0mb]
C2. Analysis of Historic and Future Coastal Erosion with Sea Level Rise [pdf 2.10mb]
C3. Exploratory Borehole Results [pdf 53.3mb]
D1. Modeling Brine Disposal into Moterey Bay [pdf 1.98mb]
D2. Brine Discharge Diffuser Analysis [pdf]
D3. Ocean Plan Compliance Assessment [pdf 2.25mb]
E1. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories Peer Review [pdf 1.14mb]
E2. Draft North Marina Groundwater Model Review, Revisions, and Implementation for Future Slant Well Pumping Scenarios [pdf 32.4mb]
F. Special-status Plant and Wildlife Species Considered [pdf]
G1. Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations [pdf 1.74mb]
G2. Trussel Technologies Inc. Technical Memorandum, Response to CalAm MPWSP DEIR [pdf]
H. Pure Water Monterey Groundwater Replenishment Project, Project Description [pdf 12.3mb]
I1. Open-Water and Subsurface Intakes [pdf]
I2. Component Screening Results - Component Options Not Carried Forward [pdf]
J1. Coastal Water Project EIR Analysis: MPWMD 2006 Estimate of Long-Term Water Needs Compared with Growth Anticipated in Jurisdictions General Plans [pdf]
J2. Secondary Effects of Growth [pdf]
K. Existing Water Conservation and Water Recycling [pdf]