San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Ocean Ranch Substation Project

(Application A.16-07-016, filed July 27, 2016)



Monitoring Reports

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC.

Report #1, for period ending 1/28/18

Report #2, for period ending 2/17/18

Report #3, for period ending 3/10/18

Report #4, for period ending 4/22/18

Report #5, for period ending 6/16/18

Report #6, for period ending 7/27/18

Report #7, for period ending 8/25/18

Report #8, for period ending 8/22/18

Report #9, for period ending 11/3/18

Report #10, for period ending 12/8/18

Report #11, for period ending 1/26/19

Report #12, for period ending 3/16/19

Report #13, for period ending 5/11/19

Report #14, for period ending 6/11/19

Report #15, for period ending 7/28/19

Report #16, for period ending 10/4/19

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