Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review of Southern California Edison Company’s (SCE’s) Cal City Substation 115 kilovolts (kV) Upgrade Project (Project). An application for a permit to construct (PTC) the proposed Project was filed with the CPUC on March 14, 2023 (Application A.23-03-005). This website provides access to public documents and information relevant to the CPUC’s CEQA environmental review of the Project.
New! CPUC announces release of NOP and Notice of Scoping Meetings (see EIR Scoping, below)
In its CPUC application (A.23-03-005) filed on March 14, 2023, SCE requests a permit to construct electric facilities with voltages between 50 kV and 200 kV associated with the Cal City Substation 115 kV Upgrade Project in Kern and San Bernardino counties. The proposed Project is subject to CEQA review because the CPUC has been presented with a discretionary action to approve or deny SCE’s PTC application. Before making a decision about SCE’s application, the CPUC is required to evaluate potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed Project and present the findings in an environmental document for public review and comment, pursuant to CEQA.
Project Overview
The proposed Project would be located in unincorporated Kern and San Bernardino counties, the City of California City, and Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) in the Mojave Desert region of California on federal, state, private, and municipal property. (Project Overview Map) The proposed Project components are summarized below:
The proposed Project would include upgrading the transformers at the existing Cal City Substation from 33/12 kV to 115/33 kV and 115/12 kV; and construction of two new 115 kV subtransmission lines, the Kramer-Cal City Subtransmission Line, from Kramer Substation to Cal City Substation, and the Cal City-Edwards-Holgate Subtransmission Line, from Cal City Substation to Holgate Switchyard. The proposed Cal City-Edwards-Holgate 115 kV Subtransmission Line would also include a tap line to serve Edwards Substation located on EAFB. Fourteen new underground 12 kV distribution getaways and two new underground 33 kV distribution getaways from Cal City Substation are also proposed along with installation of telecommunication cable on both new 115 kV subtransmission lines and telecommunication improvements at the existing Holgate Switchyard and Cal City, Kramer, and Edwards Substations.
The proposed Project would add load-serving capacity in the identified Electrical Needs Area (ENA) to serve current and long-term forecast electrical demand. The Project would improve system operational flexibility for SCE to provide power to the ENA (adjacent to military base) by minimizing reliance on the Edwards Substation (located on EAFB with restricted access). By providing diverse routes of power supply to the region, including a second 115 kV source line to Edwards Substation, the Project would improve overall system reliability within the ENA.
The following objectives for the proposed Project have been identified by SCE:
- Add load-serving capacity in the ENA to serve current and long-term forecast electrical demand;
- Improve system reliability within the ENA by providing diverse routes of power supply to the region;
- Improve system operational flexibility by minimizing the reliance on Edwards Substation (located on military base with restricted access) to provide power to the ENA (adjacent to military base); and
- Improve system reliability within the ENA by providing a diversely routed second 115 kV source line to Edwards Substation.
Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment
On March 14, 2023, SCE filed an application (A.23-03-005) package with the CPUC for a PTC, which included a Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA) for the proposed Project pursuant to Rule 2.4 of the CPUC's Rules of Practice and Procedure. On April 14, 2023, the CPUC deemed the Application complete, and submitted Data Request No. 1 to SCE in order to adequately conduct the CEQA review.Environmental Review
The CPUC is preparing an Environmental Impact Report to evaluate the environmental effects of the Cal City Substation 115 kV Upgrade Project. The table below shows milestones and anticipated dates associated with the environmental review process. Note: the proposed Project’s schedule is preliminary and subject to change. As the environmental review for the Project progresses, this website will be updated with additional information about how to participate in the public review process.
Project Milestones as of October 2024 | |
Milestone | Date |
Application and PEA submitted by SCE | March 14, 2023 |
Draft Application deemed complete by CPUC | April 14, 2023 |
Notice of Preparation - EIR Scoping | November 8 - December 8, 2023 |
Preparation of Draft Environmental Impact Report | In process |
Publication and Public Review of Draft Environmental Impact Report | Late Fall 2024 |
Publication of Final Environmental Impact Report | 1st Quarter 2025 |
CPUC Certification of Final EIR and CPUC Decision | To be determined |
Construction Start | 2026 |
Construction Complete (construction is estimated to last 18 months) | 2028 |
EIR Scoping
Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The CPUC has prepared a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an EIR for the Project to solicit agency and public input on the scope of the EIR. The NOP may be viewed here. During the scoping period, beginning November 8, 2023, and ending December 8, 2023, all interested parties, including responsible and trustee agencies, groups, and the public, are invited to provide input on the scope of the EIR.
Scoping Meetings and Scoping Report
In order for the public and agencies to have an opportunity to submit verbal comments on the scope of the EIR, two virtual meetings (one in the afternoon and one in the evening) were held via Zoom link and telephone on November 30, 2023. The scoping meetings presentation is available for viewing here. The Scoping Report (dated January 2024) describes the process of scoping, summarizes comments received.Project Links
Information and documents associated with the CPUC’s Proceeding for the Project can be viewed here.
Documents Available for Review
Public documents related to the SCE Application for a Permit to Construct (PTC) and the PEA for the proposed Cal City Substation 115 kV Upgrade Project can be found here:
SCE's PTC Application A.23-03-005 (March 14, 2023)
Proponents Environmental Assessment (PEA) (March 14, 2023)
PEA Volume 1 - Chapter 1 to Chapter 3
PEA Volume 2 - Chapter 4 to Chapter 5.8
PEA Volume 3 - Chapter 5.9 to Chapter 5.21
PEA Volume 4 - Chapter 6 to Chapter 9
PEA Volume 5 - Appendix A to Appendix G
PEA Volume 6 - Appendix H to Appendix S
CPUC Letter of Application Completeness (April 14, 2023)
CPUC Data Request No. 1 (DR1; April 14, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR1 Q2-Q9, Q12, Q13, Q15-Q18, Q21, Q24, Q26-Q36 (April 28, 2023)
Attachment to SCE response to DR1 Q.15a, Project Study Area Figure 5.4-1
Attachment to SCE response to DR1 Q.15b, Vegetation Communities Figure 5.4-2
Attachment to SCE response to DR1 Q.15c, Special Status Species Habitat Figure 5.4-3
SCE Responses to DR1 Q1, Q14, Q19, Q20, Q22, Q23, Q25, Q37, Q39 (May 12, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR1 Q10, Q11, and Q38 (May 18, 2023)
CPUC Data Request No. 2 (DR2; July 25, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR2 Q3, Q6 (August 3, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR2 Q4 (August 4, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR2 Q7, Q9, Q13, Q16, Q17, Q18, Q21, Q22 (August 9, 2023)
Attachment to SCE response to DR2 Q7, 115 kV Line and Bus Arrangement
Attachment to SCE response to DR2 Q17, Site Development Plan (updated August 12, 2024)
SCE Response to DR2 Q5 (August 10, 2023)
SCE Responses to DR2 Q1, Q8, Q10, Q14 (August 11, 2023)
Attachment to SCE response to DR2 Q8, 2021 and 2022 Metered Loads
SCE Responses to DR2 Q15, Q20 (August 15, 2023)
SCE Response to DR2 Q2 (August 25, 2023)
SCE Response to DR2 Q11 (September 14, 2023)
Attachment to SCE response to DR2 Q11, SCE’s response to a Public Advocates Office
SCE Response to DR2 Q12 (September 26, 2023)
Attachment to SCE response to DR2 Q12, Declaration Regarding the Confidentiality of Certain Data.
SCE Response to DR2 Q19 (September 26, 2023)
Attachments to SCE response to DR2 Q19, Visual Simulation Materials. Note that a GoogleEarth file was also attached; however, that file is not suitable for posting.
CPUC Data Request No. 3 (DR3; February 23, 2024)
SCE Responses to DR3 Combined (March 22, 2024)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR3 (Q1)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR3 (Q6)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR3 (Q21)
CPUC Data Request No. 4 (DR4; May 1, 2024)
SCE Responses to DR4 (June 26, 2024)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR4: Construction Health Risk Assessment Memorandum (June 19, 2024)
CPUC Data Request No. 5 (DR5; July 23, 2024)
SCE Responses to DR5 (August 7, 2024)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q2: USFWS Desert Tortoise Protocol
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q2: CDFW Burrowing Owl Staff Report
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q5: Potentially Jurisdictional Features Comparison
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q5: Draft Aquatic Resources Delineation Report
SCE Responses to DR5 (August 16, 2024)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q1 (GIS files not suitable for posting)
Attachment to SCE Response to DR5 Q3 (GIS files not suitable for posting)
CPUC Data Request No. 6 (DR6; July 25, 2024)
SCE Responses to DR6 (August 8, 2024)
  Attachment to SCE Response to DR6: Updated Detailed Mapbook (August 8, 2024)
For Additional Information
The CPUC, through its Environmental Review Team, is managing the environmental review for the Project. To request additional information, or to be added to the mailing list please contact us by email or phone, as follows:
Email: CalCitySub@esassoc.com
Project voicemail: (707) 796-7007
Boris Sanchez
California Public Utilities Commission
Energy Division - Infrastructure Permitting & CEQA
505 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102