Proposed Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project

(Application No. A-02-09-043, filed September 30, 2002)

Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment



Errata to Application Exhibit F
Chapter 1—Executive Summary
Chapter 2—Project Description
  Chapter 2 Figures
2-1 Regional Project Location
2-2 Existing Transmission System Within Vicinity of Project Area
2-3 North of San Mateo - Historical Forecast Summer Peak Demand (in main file)
2-4 Results Analysis of Three Load Forecast Scenarios (in main file)
2-5 Cumulative Probability of Need for Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Project (in main file)
2-6 Proposed Transmission Line Route, Proposed Transition Station Location, and Existing Substations with Proposed Modifications
2-7 Typical Heavy Angle Lattice Steel Tower
2-8 Typical Tangent Lattice Steel Tower
2-9 Typical Tangent Tubular Steel Pole
2-10 Typical Duct Bank Installation of 230 kV Single Circuit Solid Dielectric Cable
2-11 Typical Reduced Height Duct Bank Within Paved Streets (in Areas with Depth Restrictions)
2-12 Typical Reduced Width Duct Bank Within Paved Streets (in Areas with Depth Restrictions)
2-13 Typical Underground Construction Process within Roadways
2-14 Transition Station
2-15 Jefferson Substation Proposed Modifications
2-16 Martin Substation Proposed Modifications
2-17 Project Schedule
Chapter 3—Alternatives to the Proposed Project
  Chapter 3 Figures
3-1 Proposed and Alternative Routes
Chapter 4—Impact Assessment Summary
Chapter 5—Land Use, Recreation, and Agricultural Resources
  Chapter 5 Figures
5-1 General Plan Land Use Designation for Segment 1
5-2 General Plan Land Use Designations for Segments 2, 3, 4, and 5
5-3 Existing Land Use—PG&E Jefferson-Martin Project (Maps 1-11):
  Map 1   Map 2   Map 3   Map 4   Map 5   Map 6   Map 7   Map 8   Map 9   Map 10   Map 11
Chapter 6—Biology
  Chapter 6 Additional Tables
6-1 Summary of Vegetation Types Present by Project Element for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
6-4 Potential for Special Status Wildlife Species to Occur within the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Line Project Area
6-5 Evaluation of Impacts to Special Status Wildlife Species within the Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Line Project Area
  Chapter 6 Figures
6-1 Location of Water Drainages and Potential Wetlands
Chapter 7—Cultural Resources
Chapter 8—Visual Resources
  Chapter 8 Figures
8-1 Landscape Features
8-2 Photo Viewpoint Locations
8-3 Photographs of Project Route and Surroundings
(19 pages, one file)
8-4 thru 8-21 Existing Views and Visual Simulations
(18 items, one file)
Chapter 9—Hydrology and Water Quality
  Chapter 9 Figures
9-1 Major Surface Waterbodies and Watersheds
9-2 Floodplains and Flood Inundation
9-3 Colma Creek Flood Plain
9-4 Crystal Springs Dam Inundation Area
9-5 Groundwater Basins
Chapter 10—Geology and Mineral Resources
  Chapter 10 Figures
10-1 Mapped Faults in Project Vicinity, Segment 1
10-2 Mapped Faults in Project Vicinity, Segments 2, 3, 4, and 5
Chapter 11—Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Chapter 12—Population and Housing, Public Services, and Utilities and Service Systems
  Chapter 12 Figures
12-1 Public Services Within the Vicinity of the Proposed Project
Chapter 13—Transportation/Traffic
Chapter 14—Air Quality
Chapter 15—Noise
  Chapter 15 Figures
15-1 Noise Monitoring Locations and Sensitive Receptor Locations
15-2 Martin Substation Isophonic Distribution Before Modifications (in main file)
15-3 Martin Substation Isophonic Distribution After Modifications (in main file)
Chapter 16—Corona and Induced Current Effects
Chapter 17—Cumulative Impacts
Chapter 18—Growth-Inducing Effects
Chapter 19—Mitigation Monitoring Plan

A. Project Description and Engineering Information:
  A-1.  Construction Methods Report Table
  A-2.  Tower List
  A-3.  Cable-Pulling Sites Table
  A-4.  Agency Consultation
  A-5.  Supplementary Guide for Application of the Criteria for San Francisco
  A-6.  Load Serving Capability Forecasts
B. Biological Resources:
  B-1.  Tree Ordinances: San Mateo County and Town of Hillsborough
  B-2.  Town of Hillsborough Tree Removal Guidelines
  B-3.  Location of Special-Status Species Observed During Species Surveys:
    - Figure: California Red-Legged Frog Habitat Assessment & Survey Results
    - Figure: Known Occurrences of Special Status Species
  B-4.  Vertebrate Species Detected During Biological Surveys
  B-5.  Vegetation Types Present Within the Tower Study Areas for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-6.  Vegetation Types Present Within the Cable Pulling Sites for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-7.  Vegetation Types Present Within the Proposed Access Roads and Temporary Bridge for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-8.  Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-9.  Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources within the Underground Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-10.  Impacts to Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources for the Overhead Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-11.  Impacts to Potentially Jurisdictional Wetlands and Other Aquatic Resources within the Underground Portion of the PG&E Jefferson-Martin 230 kV Transmission Project
  B-12.  Erosion Control and Restoration Plan for Disturbed Areas of the San Francisco 230 kV Transmission Line
  B-12 - Photographs 1-26
C. Cultural Resources:
  C-1.  Supplemental Information
  C-2.  Proposed Native American Burial Protection Plan
D. Visual Resources:
  D-1.  Visual Character Photo Inventory
  D-2.  Filoli Estate Map
  D-3.  Visual Simulation Methods
E. Hazards and Hazardous Materials:
  E-1.  EDR Report Executive Summary
  E-2.  EDR Focus Maps
  E-3.  Table 1 - List of Significant Sites
  E-4.  Table 2 - Agency Abbreviations for List of Significant Sites
F. Corona and Induced-Current Effects
G. Cumulative Impacts
H. List of Preparers
I. Affected Property Owners
J. Glossary

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