San Diego Gas & Electric Company's Sunrise Powerlink Project

(Applications A.05-12-014 and A.06-08-010)


Comment Letters Received on the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report / Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement

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Comments from Native American Tribes and Public Agencies
8/11/08 Imperial County Planning & Development Services
8/22/08 Imperial County Air Pollution Control District
8/25/08 USDA Cleveland National Forest (3.4MB)
8/25/08 California Department of Transportation, District 11
8/25/08 City of Santee
8/25/08 California Department of Fish & Game and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (6.1MB)
8/25/08 California Department of Conservation
8/25/08 Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians (3.6MB)
8/25/08 U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs
8/25/08 County of San Diego, Department of Planning & Land Use
8/25/08 United States Environmental Protection Agency
8/25/08 United States Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
8/25/08 Imperial County Public Works Department
8/25/08 Vista Irrigation District

Comments from Groups, Organizations, Nonprofits, and Private Companies
7/31/08 Starlight Mountain Estate Owners
8/20/08 Ramona Community Planning Group
8/4/08 Citizens Oversight Projects
8/22/08 La Posta-Thing Valley Preservation Society
8/22/08 Lambron Lakeside Ranch
8/25/08 Potrero Community Planning Group
8/25/08 The Committee for Responsible Growth
8/25/08 Lansing Industries
8/25/08 San Diego County Archaeological Society, Inc.
8/25/08 SunCal Companies
8/25/08 Pacific Crest Trail Association
8/25/08 Rancho Peñasquitos Concerned Citizens
8/25/08 Mussey Grade Road Alliance
8/25/08 Center for Biological Habitat PART 1 (4.3MB)  PART 2 (5.3MB)  PART 3 (3.4MB)  PART 4  PART 5 (3.5MB)  PART 6  PART 7
8/25/08 Boulevard Planning Group
8/25/08 Bullfrog Farm
8/25/08 JAM Investments PART 1  PART 2 (5.3MB)  PART 3 (3.3MB)  PART 4  PART 5 (3.3MB)
8/25/08 Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club

Comments from Private Citizens
7/13/08 Pam & Greg Nelson
7/12/08 Mike Hughes
7/18/08 Bruce Wilcox
7/25/08 Nathan & Adrianna Howe
8/4/08 Daniel Wise
8/5/08 Shannon & William Davis
8/5/08 Raymond A. Jacobson
8/21/08 Lina Serrano - Boulder Oaks Ranch (5.0MB)
8/5/08 Dwight & Cara Baker
8/10/08 Gary Hoyt
8/10/08 Betty Moss
8/13/08 George Ellison
8/17/08 Robie Faulkner
8/20/08 Patricia Stuart
8/21/08 Katherine Moretti - Moretti Family Carristo Ranch
8/24/08 Mary Aldern
8/22/08 Jay Shrock - La Posta Ranch
8/24/08 Judith Withers
8/22/08 Dennis & Connie Berglund - Sandy Creek Ranch
8/15/08 Jacqueline Ayer
8/25/08 Nathan Weflen
8/25/08 Mona & Tim Petersen - Rock Canyon Ranch & Vineyards
8/25/08 Jeff Martin
8/25/08 Denis Traficanty & Glenda Kimmerly
8/25/08 Tulloch Family Partners
8/25/08 Cindy Buxton
8/25/08 Rodney Starkey and Dr. A. Starkey, DVM
8/25/08 Lorelei Howard
8/25/08 Jeffrey McKernan
8/25/08 Stacey Landfield
8/25/08 Kathleen Beck
8/25/08 V. Doyle
8/25/08 Greg Courson and Jeffrey Holt
8/25/08 Colleen Holmes
8/28/08 Cheryl Lenz
8/28/08 William Bretz and Lesley Barling

Comments from the Applicant
8/22/01 San Diego Gas & Electric Company (3.1MB)
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