CALIFORNIA PUC > Energy > California Environmental Quality Act > Current Projects San Diego Gas & ElectricSycamore-Peñasquitos 230-Kilovolt Transmission Line Project(Application No. A.14-04-011)Last
Update: October 16, 2019 NOTE: Linked files presented on this page are in PDF format. To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your computer. For faster results in displaying the larger files, right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to your hard drive, then double-click the downloaded file. |
CPUC Approves Alternative 5 |
Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E’s) proposed Sycamore-Peñasquitos 230-Kilovolt Transmission Line Project (Proposed Project) located in San Diego County, California. SDG&E submitted an application to the CPUC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for the project on April 7, 2014. This site provides access to public documents and information relevant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process, including mitigation compliance during construction. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared by the CPUC (the CEQA Lead Agency) that evaluated potential environmental impacts associated with this Project. The CPUC voted on October 13, 2016 to approve Alternative 5, which was the Environmentally Superior Alternative in the EIR (see Decision 16-10-005), and a Notice of Determination was submitted to the State Clearinghouse. On January 23, 2019 SDG&E filed a request for Petition for Modification (PFM) of Decision 16-10-008 to address the need to re-tension and sag approximately 2 miles of an existing 230-kV transmission line, which was outside of the geographic scope of the approved project and Final EIR. In May 2019, the CPUC published an Addendum to the Final EIR to address SDG&E’s PFM. On July 11, 2019, the CPUC issued Decision 19-07-008 to adopt the Addendum to the Final EIR and grant SDG&E’s PFM.On September 7, 2019, SDG&E submitted a Notice to Proceed (NTP) #5 request to the CPUC to begin construction activities associated with the PFM. SDG&E's NTP #5 request can be viewed here. The CPUC approved NTP #5 on October 14, 2019. The CPUC's approval of NTP #5 can be viewed here. QUICK LINKSMitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program Pre-Construction Plans and Other Mitigation Compliance Documents Construction and Mitigation Monitoring Nest Survey Reports, Nest Buffer Reduction Requests, and Approvals Temporary Extra Work Space Requests Post-Construction
Monitoring Report Mira Mesa Community Planning Group Presentation Final Environmental Impact Report Draft
Environmental Impact
Report Application and Proponent's Environmental Assessment (PEA) Deficiencies, Data Requests, and Responses Project Schedule
Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting ProgramA Mitigation Monitoring, Compliance, and Reporting Program (MMCRP) was prepared by the CPUC to ensure compliance with applicant proposed measures and mitigation measures approved in the Final EIR. The MMCRP provides guidelines and standardizes procedures for environmental compliance during project implementation. The procedures define the reporting relationships, the roles and responsibilities of the project's environmental compliance team members, compliance reporting procedures, and the communication protocol. The final MMCRP is available below. MMCRP Pre-Construction Plans and Other Mitigation Compliance DocumentsRequired pre-construction plans, permits, and mitigation compliance documents that have been reviewed and approved by the CPUC can be viewed here. Construction
and Mitigation Monitoring
NTP # | Description |
NTP 1 | Mobilize
and begin operation of staging yards |
NTP 2 | Construct
the underground portion from Sycamore Substation to Structure P03 and
from Structure P05 to Structure CC MM CP |
NTP 3 | Mobilize
and begin overhead transmission line and substation construction |
NTP 4 | Conduct one geotechnical boring within the Option 2 temporary workspace footprint |
NTP 5 |
Re-tension and sag
approximately 2 miles of an existing 230-kV transmission line |
CPUC Environmental Monitors monitor construction activities to ensure that they were conducted in accordance with approved mitigation measures and permit conditions. Weekly reports documenting construction activities and compliance can be viewed here.
The CPUC reviews SDG&E’s Minor Project Refinements (MPRs) according to the process outlined in the MMCRP. SDG&E's MPR proposals and the CPUC’s review are provided in the table below.
MPR # | Description |
MPR 1 | Modify the approved project by transitioning the new 230-kV line and existing 138-kV line to an underground position |
MPR 2 | Modify the approved project by rerouting the new 230-kV underground line to avoid two parallel storm drains, reducing the originally approved alignment by 300 feet |
MPR 3 | Provide temporary power to the SDG&E trailer at the Stonebridge Staging Yard through the existing power box |
4 |
Relocate the
approved 2.61-acre Vulcan Mine Yard approximately 884 feet west to a
1.71-acre paved area |
MPR 5 | Establish staging yards along the southern perimeter of Pomerado Road and temporary work spaces north of P05 and P06 |
6 |
staging yards along the southern and northern perimeters of Pomerado Road |
MPR 7 | Establish a staging yard at the intersection of
Pomerado Road and Avenue of Nations (previously approved in TEWS #1)
and extend the temporary work space surrounding structure E40 |
MPR 8 | Proposes temporary work areas to access 16 existing poles and 14 guard structure over a 2-mile existing transmission alignment |
Data Request #1 / Data Request #2 | |
MPR 9 | Add 1.12 acres of paved, developed area to use as a staging area for vehicles and construction equipment; grade 0.01 acres; and install temporary fence along the perimeter of the proposed area |
MPR 10 | Authorizes a newly identified underground route option for the crossing of Interstate (I)-15, using a tunnel bore machine (TBM) to install the 230 kilovolt (kV) line under I-15 |
MPR 11 | Adds approximately 0.13 acres of temporary work space to accommodate the installation of the 138kV and 230kV trench packages north of Sycamore Canyon Substation |
MPR 12 | Authorizes an approximately 0.96 acre of additional temporary workspace located along Kearny Mesa Road and west of Interstate 15 |
MPR 13 | Authorizes SDG&E to install five guy wire anchors within an existing dirt access road between structures P05 and P06 |
MPR 14 | Authorizes an approximately 0.44 acre of additional temporary workspace located just northwest of structure CC MM CP |
MPR 15 | Authorizes the installation of stormwater management features by the CC MM CP structure. |
MPR 16 | Authorizes the repair and widening of the access road to Sycamore Canyon Substation. |
TEWS # | Description |
TEWS 1 | The proposed 0.02-acre TEWS was identified and approved by the City of San Diego Resident Engineer as an alternate staging area for overnight staging of heavy equipment. |
2 |
The proposed
72-square-foot TEWS is within County of San Diego's public right-of-way
and will be used for vault shoring. |
3 |
Relocate the
proposed GS 06 location from a landscaped slope to a commercial parking
lot. |
TEWS 4 | The approximately 4,800-square-foot TEWS is located at 6925 Lusk Boulevard in the City of San Diego, and will be used as a helicopter landing zone. |
TEWS 5 | The approximately 1,801-square-foot TEWS is located on the north side of Stonebridge Parkway within the City of San Diego., and will be used as a temporary staging area for a large crane. |
The CPUC Commission granted SDG&E a CPCN to
construct Alternative 5 (Pomerado Road to Miramar Area North
Underground/ Overhead), the environmentally superior alternative, on
October 13, 2016.
The Commission decision (D. 16-10-005) can be viewed here.
At the request of the Mira Mesa Community Planning Group, the CPUC’s environmental consultant attended their September 19, 2016 meeting to summarize the CPUC environmental review and notification processes for the Sycamore-Peñasquitos Project, describe the components of Alternative 5 (the Environmentally Superior Alternative in the EIR) and Mitigation Measures to reduce significant impacts, outline the remaining schedule for project approval and construction, and discuss community concerns about construction of the Alternative 5 alignment in the Mira Mesa community.
The presentation from the meeting is available here.
The CPUC Environmental Review Team submitted data requests to the applicant for specific information to support the Petition for Modification process. These requests and the applicant's responses are available below.
CPUC Data Request
Data Request 1
(Submitted January 29, 2019) |
(February 6, 2019)
Final EIR: The Final EIR was published on March 7, 2016. Comments that were submitted on the Draft EIR are presented in Volume I of this Final EIR, along with responses to all comments. The CPUC is expected to make a decision on the project in 2016.
Addendum: An Addendum to the Final EIR was published on May 2016.
Draft EIR: The Draft EIR was published on September 17, 2015. The comment period closed on November 2, 2015. Comments submitted on the Draft EIR are available here.
stated that the Proposed Project objective is to meet the
California Independent System Operator (CAISO) 2012–2013 Transmission
Plan Functional Specifications for a new 230-kV transmission line
between the Sycamore Canyon and Peñasquitos Substations by:
SDG&E's Proposed Project would be located within the Cities of San Diego and Poway. A portion of the Proposed Project would be located on the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar east of Interstate 15 (I-15). The Sycamore-Peñasquitos corridor traverses residential, open space, military (MCAS Miramar), vacant land, urban, commercial/shopping, industrial/energy facility, park, transportation, and light industrial/business park uses.
The Proposed Project includes construction and operation of a new 230-kV transmission line between the existing Sycamore Canyon and Peñasquitos Substations. The Proposed Project includes four transmission line segments and minor modifications to four existing substations:
Segment A: Sycamore Canyon Substation to Carmel Valley Road. SDG&E would construct an approximately 8.31-mile long 230-kV transmission line on 36 new double-circuit 230-kV and two 138-kV tubular steel poles (120-foot and 75-foot average height, respectively) from the Sycamore Canyon Substation to Carmel Valley Road. Two existing transmission lines (TL 13820 and TL 13825, which both terminate at Chicarita Substation) would be relocated to the new tubular steel poles, and approximately 42 wood H-frame structures, two tubular steel poles, one double-circuit cable pole, and two single-circuit wood mono poles associated with the two existing transmission lines would be removed. A portion of TL 13820 would be undergrounded as it enters the Sycamore Canyon Substation. Existing transmission line TL 23041 would be relocated to two new 230-kV structures within and immediately adjacent to the Sycamore Canyon Substation to make room for the new 230-kV connection at the substation.
Segment B: Underground Carmel Valley Road. SDG&E would construct an approximately 2.84-mile long 230-kV underground transmission line in Carmel Valley Road. Two cable pole structures (160-foot average height) for underground/overhead transmission conversion would be placed at the ends of the undergrounded segment. One double-circuit steel lattice tower would be removed at the western reach of the segment. Also, one 138-kV single circuit wood H-frame structure would be removed.
Segment C: Carmel Valley Road to Peñasquitos Junction. SDG&E would install approximately 2.19 miles of 230-kV conductor on existing steel lattice structures and one new tubular steel pole between Carmel Valley Road and Peñasquitos Junction. One steel lattice tower would be removed at the Peñasquitos Junction. Two existing transmission lines (TL 23001 and TL 23004) would be reconductored and bundled on the existing structures and re-designated as TL 23004. Existing shield wire on top of existing 230-kV steel lattice towers would be replaced with new optical ground wire.
Segment D: Peñasquitos Junction to Peñasquitos Substation. SDG&E would install approximately 3.34 miles of 230-kV conductor on existing double-circuit lattice towers and a tubular steel pole between the Peñasquitos Junction and the Peñasquitos Substation. SDG&E would also consolidate two existing 69-kV power lines (TL 675 and TL 6906) onto 17 new 69-kV tubular steel poles (95-foot average height) that would replace 16 existing 69 kV wood H-frame structures and five wood monopoles. Two tubular steel poles would replace two existing wood cable poles outside the Peñasquitos Substation. Existing shield wire on top of existing 230-kV steel lattice towers would be replaced with new optical ground wire.
Sycamore Canyon Substation. SDG&E would modify Sycamore Canyon Substation to facilitate the new 230-kV transmission line connection. Modifications would include transferring five existing transmission lines from existing bay positions to new bay positions, and adding a new circuit breaker.
Peñasquitos Substation. SDG&E would modify Peñasquitos Substation to facilitate the new 230-kV transmission line connection. Modifications would include adding two circuit breakers and four disconnects.
San Luis Rey and Mission Substations. Minor alterations may be made to these substations, including adjusting relays and upgrading protection on remaining lines.
Temporary Staging Yards. The Proposed Project would utilize approximately 25 acres of temporary construction staging yards for vehicles equipment refueling, pole assemblage, open storage of material and equipment, construction trailers, portable restrooms, parking, lighting, possibly generator use for temporary power in construction trailers, and incidental landing areas for helicopters. Four staging yards have been identified by SDG&E at this time, including the Stonebridge Parkway, Stowe, Torrey Santa Fe, and Carmel Valley Road Staging Yards. Refer to Figures 2 through 4 for staging yard locations. A potential fifth staging yard at Carmel Mountain Road has been dropped from the Proposed Project due to site development. Additional staging yards may be proposed by SDG&E.
Access Roads. Construction would primarily take place within the existing SDG&E ROW easements and access roads and public roadways. Most work areas would be accessible by vehicle on unpaved SDG&E-maintained access roads or by overland travel. Access roads would be used for vehicle parking and turn-around, and specific construction site staging.
A map of the Proposed Project showing Segments A-D can be viewed here: Project Overview MapSDG&E filed an application (A.14-04-011) for a CPCN and Proponent's Environmental Assessment for the Project on April 7, 2014. The PEA is a starting point for the independent environmental review process conducted by the CPUC. The application was deemed complete on July 24, 2014.
The application can be viewed here: Application (2.5 MB)
The PEA can be viewed here: PEA (32.9 MB) PEA Appendices (167.2 MB)
The CPUC Environmental Review Team submitted data requests to the applicant for specific information to support the environmental review process. Those requests and the applicant's responses are published below.
(Submitted May 7, 2014) |
(Part 1) (August 18, 2014)
Response (Part 2) (September 9, 2014) Response (Part 3) (September 16, 2014) Response (Part 4) (October 8, 2014) Update to Q67 (October 17, 2014) |
(Part 1) (October 24, 2014)
Response (Part 2) (October 31, 2014) Response (Part 3) (November 3, 2014) |
(Part 1) (November 25, 2014)
Response (Part 2) (December 5, 2014) Response (Part 3) (December 12, 2014) Response (Part 4) (December 16, 2014) Response (Part 5) (January 29, 2015) Response (Part 6) (February 13, 2015) |
(December 19, 2014)
(Part 1) (January
23, 2015)
Response (Part 2) (January 30, 2015) Response (Part 3) (February 3, 2015) Supplemental Response (March 12, 2015) |
29, 2015)
(Part 1) (February 25,
Response (Part 2--GIS Files) (February 25, 2015) Supplemental Response (March 12, 2015) |
(Part 1) (March 30, 2015)
Response (Part 2) (April 24, 2015) Response (Part 3) (April 30, 2015) |
Request 10
(Submitted April 8, 2015) |
Response (Part 1) (April
21, 2015)
Response (Part 2) (April 24, 2015) Response (Part 3) (September 29, 2015) |
(Part 1) (April 14, 2015)
Response (Part 2) (April 27, 2015) Response (Part 3) (June 2, 2015) |
Request 12
(Submitted April 30, 2015) |
Request 13
(Submitted May 12, 2015) |
Request 14
(Submitted June 9, 2015) |
Request 15
(Submitted June 26, 2015) |
(Part 1) (July 6, 2015)
Request 16
Miramar Wholesale Nursery Location Encina Hub Mark-up -- Confidential Steel H-Frame Image and Project Detail Map Revised Project Description Revised Project Detail Maps Project Work Areas GIS (Submitted July 10, 2015) |
Response (July
17, 2015)
Request 17
Revised Project Disturbance Comparison Map Habitat Mapping Changes (Submitted July 22, 2015) Follow-up Question (Submitted August 5, 2015) |
(Part 1) (July 29, 2015)
Response (Part 2) (July 31, 2015) Response (Part 3) (August 3, 2015) Follow-up Response (August 11, 2015) |
Request 18
(Submitted November 25, 2015) |
Response (December
10, 2015)
Request 19
(Submitted December 22, 2015) |
(Part 1) (January
4, 2016)
Request 20
(Submitted January 8, 2016) |
Request 21
(Submitted January 13, 2016) |
(January 22, 2016)
No Attachments
Request 22
(Submitted January 28, 2016) |
Response (Part 1) (February 5,
Response (Part 2) - Attachments Only (February 11, 2016) |
Request 23
(Submitted April 1, 2016) |
Response (April 18, 2016)
ISO Response
Request 1
(Submitted May 15, 2015) |
No Attachments
CPUC Report/Request |
SDG&E Response |
Attachments |
Data Request 1 (Submitted January 29, 2019) |
Response (February 6, 2019) |
Response Attachments |
Additional information will be posted on this site as it becomes publicly available. Project-related questions may be directed to the CPUC via one of the contact methods below.
Voicemail or Fax
v:(650) 373 - 1200, f: (650) 373 - 1211
U.S. Mail or Courier
Billie Blanchard
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Ave, 4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102c/o Panorama Environmental, Inc.
717 Market Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA 94103
additional information on the proceeding, contact the Public
Advisor's Office